Dice Goblins Rejoice!
Richard Johnson

We have started to expand our store offerings and the first new items we have added iare Skullsplitter dice and accessories. Over the coming weeks you will see more new items for Role Playing Games (RPGs) and possibly some new stuff for miniature games. We are trying to stick with products that we feel are the highest quality at the most reasonable price. I am also going to try and keep the entire catalog somewhat lean and focus on what I think are the best options. If there are things you would like to see us carry, please feel free to...
3 Reasons Why: Scenic Packs
D&D DnD dungeons & dragons Miniature game miniatures Pathfinder Roleplaying game RPG TTRPG
Richard Johnson

June 22, 2020 Updates
Richard Johnson

I usually don't do big updates but there are a bunch of things to talk about today so I am going to run them into one slightly longer post. First up, our manufacturer has confirmed that production should be finished around the 1st week of July on the first of the scenic packs. The Forest pack should be available around the beginning of August. Second on my list, I have added a couple of new titles to the Sinister Laboratories section of historical rules. This was a long time coming, but the Angriff 2nd edition (for Disposable Heroes 2nd edition) is...
Super Miniature Anachronistic Combat Kards (S.M.A.C.K.) Demo Available
Richard Johnson

The demo version for Super Miniature Anachronistic Combat Kards (S.M.A.C.K.) is now available. We supply the rules and game board, you supply all the rest. Why get charged a ton of money for components you already have when you can just pull out a couple of 5x7 cards and play a game. The players who have taken part in the demos I have run have compared it more to chess or Onitama than to a miniatures game. It rewards good strategy and forward planing and except for determining 1st player, there is no luck involved. You can check these demo rules...
New Miniatures Added
Richard Johnson

Our first four miniatures for Not All Blood Runs Red are now available. These are all 28mm resin-cast miniatures. They are sold in sets of 2 miniatures.