Orc Starter Deck
- Vethraes the Marauder, to a captive High Elf
History became myth, even to the Elves of the Three Citadels. Stories told by the migrating Vesvir Men, of massive warriors inured to pain, were dismissed as legend.
Then the Orcs returned, and the truth became known: they had been banished to a different time, not place.
The First Orc Invasion of the Known Realms toppled the Western Citadel of Elves. It was only an alliance of Dwarves, High Elves, and the Holds of Men that turned back the Orcs.
Twice since they returned in their great Invasions. And in the years between, they raid and pillage across the Known Realms.
Orcs feel no compassion, only hatred at those who did not suffer like them. They take gold but place no value in it. They conquer land but do not hold it. They pillage and slaughter for the pain it causes. They are ageless, their souls reborn after each death. They have no cause to struggle for, nor ambition to rule. They have only one driving desire: Burn It All.
This box contains:
- Basic Rulebook
- Command Cards (30)
- Reference Cards (2)
- Crazed Goblins (2)
- Goblin Bowmen (3)
- Goblin Raiders (2)
- Goblin Spearmen (2)
- Goblin Wolf Riders (2)
- Orc Axemen (1)
- Orc Marauders (1)
- Orc Spearmen (2)
- Orc Swordsmen (2)
- Trolls (1)